Some will qualify their authority by quantifying their expertise with their collections. Latino Art is art made by latinos. Do not put more constraints or limitations. Political or ideological or racial. let the artist create his own agenda.
"Long,Lust Love"
"Bailarina El Salto"
"Retrato de Zofia-Tearful Soulful Eyes"
"Sea Scape Three"
"La California" Los Angeles.
"Juliette" La Coleccion Latino, Austin, Texas
A true painter can paint portraits, landscapes abstracts and figures!
schadenfreude it is all about.
To those of you who have, gladly i will annoint you in the oil of vitriol.
Picasso was spanish as was dali.
i would have to consider them as Latino Art.
I was dealing with dim wits
Modern contemporary latin american abstract art.
i ams what i ams.
no governor full speed ahead!
"Viva el barrio de San Juan"
El Paso Texas, soy San Juanero
Latino Art links
Stunning portrait, very strong.
i have been truly inspired to "just be" by your gift...i especially love "SARAH" i just wanted to say thank you..
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